Saturday, August 2, 2008

Breaking News!!!

I don’t know what is the thought process adopted by the so-called 24-hour news channels. If you watch their advertisements, they say they keep you updated every minute but as a matter of fact, even if you spare five minutes per day on any of the news channels, it is more than sufficient to get a gist of the main headlines of the day and the stories in general. Sometimes I wonder if they even try to get authentic news items from around the globe because they never seem to tire out of showing unnecessary, unwanted and the same old drab all through the day without getting bored themselves. And as if this was not enough, the other day, I chanced to pause at a channel that goes by the name “Aaj Tak” and supposedly calls itself the best news channel around.

What amazed me was that they were showing a news item on a WWE match between The Great Khali and The Big Show and were literally commenting and showing replays of the tackles made by the two. As if the pinnacle of idiotism was not achieved, the commentary went as: “The prayers of crores of Indians bore fruit and Khali found a grip on The Big Show!!!” I mean, even a kid knows the fact that every WWE bout is stage managed with the referee being the whole and sole of the fight and the result, tackles and attacks predetermined. Knowing this fact and inspite of it, showing them on a news channel as an important news item just goes to show the caliber of the “best news channel”. This is just one incident and perhaps the worst one because it prompted me to pen down something on it but if you happen to watch the concerned channel or any of its so-called competitors for even an hour (if you can stand it that is!!), you’ll probably echo the same feelings.

They call it free press. If this is free press, I implore (rather I beg) the government to impose restrictions on the press and apply censorship on the news items being telecast and save us from such horrendous displays of immature creativity and everything that is done to keep the channel running. Instead of these gimmicks, why don’t the news channels really go for serious journalism and come out with genuine breaking news? If Khali beating Big Show becomes breaking news today, who knows, tomorrow’s breaking news may be that a particularly notorious cat went on and spent a full one hour without attacking a mouse!!! And if this gimmick continues, we will surely start banging our heads on our walls and perhaps that day, their news items will become breaking news in the real and literal sense of the term! Gimme a break!!!

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