Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There come the elections

Frankly Speaking… This blog has been my anger venting point from the day I started this. For the last few posts, this blog has taken a sharp anti-terror turn and has not touched any new subject. This entry is an attempt to broaden the base of this blog and also to focus on some of the other important and relevant topics at the moment.

Elections; the one thing that has been incorporated into our democracy which is still, by far, under our control. What we think, what we hope, what we detest, all our feelings find only one vent and that is in the form of elections because what we do in that enclosed box is only our own prerogative. Time and again, Indians have proved to the politicians that they are not to take anything for granted. Its that time again my friends! In April this year, we get to give out our verdict on the government. Our mandate. It is important now to realize what exactly we are going to do. It is after five years that we get to exercise this right and it is upto us where we take our nation. It is upto us to individually judge all the relevant aspects before we vote. But having said that, perhaps the most important thing is not for WHOM we vote but DO we vote. The voting percentages in our general elections have been so agonizingly low in the past elections that the politicians have started taking the public for granted. Let us not make the same mistake this time. Let us exercise this fundamental duty that the constitution entrusts us. We can enjoy the fundamental rights fully only when we learn to do our fundamental duties. Whichever party or coalition emerges out as the winner, let it be the voice of full India. Let it not be just the mandate of a part of India. Its decision time. Make no mistakes now. Hard times are ahead us. We need to do whatever we can. All the political parties have started their campaigning. We need to start our brains. It’s the only way we can have a voice in the way the country is run. Let us not forget the reality. We don’t get to do this daily. We get to do this only twice in a DECADE. Miss out on this and you forfeit the right to complain against the government because the moment you complain about the government, someone’s going to ask you if you voted. That someone is not a great man just because he voted. He remains the ordinary. YOU then become the sub-ordinary. This time, let us take up the voting percentage to 100%. Let’s give out our verdict fully. Let’s nor be bogged down by anything, and I mean ANYTHING at all. For once, let us take control. Let us vote.

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