Saturday, September 27, 2008

And the saga continues without any hindrance.....

Yet another blast in the capital. And this time it was perhaps the most daring approach adopted by the terrorists with the time span between planting the bomb and detonating it being less than a minute. And despite such scenes becoming common now-a-days, our Home Minister, who is supposed to be responsible for the security in the nation finds it fit to say that “The terrorists are our Misguided Brothers”. Fine Mr. Patil. If that’s the stance you want to take, then when such a Brother points a gun at your head at point-blank range, tell him that “My Brother, you are misguided. Do not shoot me down. It is a sin.” And he will reply that “Yes sir, you are right. I am misguided. I will not shoot. Gandhiji Zindabad” and all of us will live on happily ever after.

Do we really expect such replies from the terrorists? With the nation facing such sensitive times, the statements made by the home minister are supposed to inspire a feeling of safety among the people but the statements made by the current person inspire a feeling of disgust. The statements made by Mr. Narendra Modi that “Terrorists should not be given any message. They must be executed. Strict laws are the need of the day” is absolutely justified. The fact that the intelligence information provided by him to the central government was cast aside just goes on to show that the government has not yet realized the extent of the threat that the nation faces and it still thinks that the information is in some way meant to topple off the government. Why doesn’t the government realize that it is high time you take national security seriously?

Anyway what CAN be expected of the present politicians? The mastermind behind the attack that threatened their OWN lives is alive and that too on the expense of the Indian taxpayer. When you are not strong enough to execute the man that planned to and came fatally close to killing you, certainly we expect nothing else from you let alone expecting anything more. I fail to understand what good will it do to let Afzal Guru live? What good is he capable of doing to our country? Is there a dearth of manpower in the nation that you have to keep such a person alive and hope that he can be reformed? The execution of Afzal Guru was expected to send shockwaves in the terrorists and inspire a feeling in them that they themselves can meet such a fate but the fact that such a long time span has gone by after he was sentenced to death as also the uncertainty over his ultimate fate reinforces the faith of the terrorists in the Indian Government as well as the Indian Judiciary. I guess that’s what makes them bold enough to carry on with their plans without the slightest concern for us. Who knows? Tomorrow they may hijack a flight and demand the release of Afzal Guru and all the hard work done by countless individuals will go down the drain. The policy that even if a hundred criminals are freed, one innocent person should not be harmed has taken quite a toll till date and by the time the alarm bells ring in the deaf ears of our so-called leaders, the saga will continue…

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