Tuesday, September 23, 2008

And we have yet another one…

What has our country come to? Why has it become so easy to bomb any city that comes to anyone’s mind? Why is it that we are seeing serial bombings in so many cities within such a short time span? Hardly are we seeing a fortnight without any major incident. Have we become so weak and vulnerable that we cannot prevent an attack of such a scale? Are the terrorists so sure of our apathy to action that they can attack New Delhi just weeks after the large scale bombing attempt at Ahmedabad failed? Is it the case that the next city is chosen at random after one city suffers the brunt or is it the case that this is all a part of a mega bombing plan and even if the bombing of one city fails, the network remains unaffected and the rest of the plan can be executed to near perfection? Why are these terrorists not afraid of the law anymore? Why do they take us for granted so easily? Is it their hard-heartedness or have we become too soft? Time and again, the need for stringent terror laws has been felt and time and again such laws have bitten the dust because the government is too scared to implement such laws and risk the loss of their vote bank. Time and again the non-existence of the concept of a national crime (or a federal offence in US terminology) has prevented the law enforcers from nabbing the guilty. When will we realize that unless we do something more than cursing the terrorists, the problem will remain the same or grow worse which is the more likely of the two.

                Do we still believe that the principles of truth and non-violence will be effective against cold blooded terrorists and that doing nothing and waiting for them to realize their mistakes will be sufficient to curb the menace? We find the mother of one of the suspects and she publicly asks her son to surrender. My question is: Did it work? Did he surrender? Merely days after that we saw the shootout taking the life of a very prodigal son of the nation. Is the intelligence system so ineffective that they cannot see the signs or is the government not ready to deal with them? We blame the terrorists. We even blame Pakistan. But what after that? After the blame game is over, what concrete steps do we take to ensure that such things do not happen again? India has witnessed a series of serial blasts and every time the terrorists have targeted another city before the shock of the previous city had worn down. Every time we get statements that everything possible is being done and that those behind these atrocities will be nabbed and every time the authorities get a tight slap in the face when the terrorists carry out the bombing in yet another city. TADA has not worked. POTA is not in effect. Are the anti-terror laws doomed to remain just some famous short forms or are they ever going to be implemented? The government says that in the absence of the laws that we currently have, the situation might have been worse but sir, the situation at present is not good either! It is good that the citizens are finally realizing that it boils down to then to be more vigilant and try to do what the government has so far failed miserably to do but the people too need support and the absence of action from the government is not helping! Wake up Indian Government!! Please wake up to this alarm or you may not be alive to hear the next because in this case, trespassers will not be prosecuted. They will be executed...

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